SPECIAL: Power-to-the-People Webinar #8 “All aboard! – How can citizen assemblies shape our democracies?”


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Recording of the 8th episode of "Power to the People" from 12 September 2024 with the following speakers:

Art O’Leary, Chief Executive of the Electoral Commission of Ireland who has organized the Ireland’s assembly on abortion rights

Professor Kalypso Nicolaidis, Chair in Global Affairs at the Florence School of Transnational Governance and co-lead of the Democratic Odyssey project

Niccolo Milanese, founding director of European Alternatives, a civil society organisation promoting democracy, equality and culture beyond the nation state

Sarah Händel, Board member of Mehr Demokratie e.V., one of Germany’s leading NGOs for deliberative democracy

Brett Hennig, Co-founder and director of the Sortition Foundation, campaigning to institute the use of democratic lotteries (also called sortition) in government

Alexiane Terrochaire – – Barbançon, Executive Board Member of the Young European Federalists (JEF Europe)

Yves Dejaeghere, Executive Director of Federation for Innovation in Democracy Europe, Member of the G1000 Board, which is committed to democratic innovation in Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain.

Alex Lockwood, Extinction Rebellion and Animal Rising

Stephanie Hartung, Germany’s national citizens’ representative at the EU Future Conference, co-founder of Pulse of Europe e.V.

Members of the European Parliament, Daniel Freund und Helmut Scholz

-- Organized by the The Power to the People Group - a cooperation between European Alternatives, European University Institute, Europe Calling, Mehr Demokratie, Another Europe is Possible, Citizens Takeover Europe, ECI Campaign and The Democratic Odyssey

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