Europe Calling #196 “France after the vote – What next for rule of law, climate & women’s rights?”
Our guests were:
Dr Yann Wernert is Senior Policy Fellow for Franco-German relations at the Jacques Delors Centre. He is part of the team that organises the Pariser Platz Talks – a series of events that brings together high-level decision-makers from Germany and France.
Anna Cavazzini is an MEP for Bündnis90/Die Grünen and Chair of the influential EU Internal Market Committee
Floriane Volt, Director of Public and Legal Affairs, Fondation des Femmes Sandy Olivar Calvo, Agriculture & Food Campaigner, Greenpeace France
Moderation & introduction: Marc Berthold, Heinrich Böll Foundation Paris & Maximilian Fries, Managing Director of Europe Calling e.V.
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